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Who We Are

Our ultimate purpose is to glorify Christ in everything we do as a Church and as individuals. We believe our purpose is to fufill The Great Commandment and Great Commission in the Church. Not providing a selection of saints but showing a Savior to sinners. We desire to teach the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the broken world and demonstrate the wonderful God of the Bible's character. Our church's mission is to encourage and empower Christians in community and to welcome and minister to the world. We worship, serve, and teach ultimately for His glory and His glory alone.

Soli Deo Gloria

We have been blessed with Bruce Ekkelboom as our wonderful pastor. He ministers the Word of God to the congregation by deepening our understanding of the Scripture and what it looks like in our lives everyday. He strives to let the Holy Spirit be the One who speaks and convicts, not his words but God's.


We have a very rich and interesting church history with wonderful ties to the Bitteroot Valley and the Stevensville area. It is quite compelling to have watched how our church has changed over the years. Not everyone thinks history is important but we find our roots to be a wonderful and insightful journey to look through.

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